“let’s start again from the top.”

five, six, seven, eight..


daichi ren.
november 1999.
dance, contemporary.



43 posts 5k followers 137 following

chi chi chi chia.

Followed by @esmaelle, @cairona.m, @ivelan + 99 more


Liked by @gab_riel, @jjuiced, and 327 others

daichiapet i can’t believe i had coffee with 2 people today and they BOTH were ignoring me! at least juju was doing work but mark my words.. i will get khao.

5 hours ago


Liked by @gab_riel, @jjuiced, and 327 others

daichiapet i can’t believe i had coffee with 2 people today and they BOTH were ignoring me! at least juju was doing work but mark my words.. i will get khao.

5 hours ago


Liked by @danhw_, @notanorange, and 843 others

daichiapet am i a sk8tr boy yet?

3 days ago


Liked by @danhw_, @notanorange, and 843 others

daichiapet am i a sk8tr boy yet?

3 days ago


Liked by @ivelan, @pkhao_m, and 1756 others

daichiapet all i asked for was help on a couple moves for an audition and professor ethan had me sweating buckets.. enjoy the backseat ‘my soul has left my body’ pic that lovely kaisa took when we all went to get food after being Tormented.

4 days ago


Liked by @jaspertheghost, @s.elleira, and 3895 others

daichiapet reo, the only person i know who will take pics secretly and then offer to record me just to get 4 seconds. ELECTRIC CHAIR.

6 days ago


Liked by @jaspertheghost, @s.elleira, and 3895 others

daichiapet reo, the only person i know who will take pics secretly and then offer to record me just to get 4 seconds. ELECTRIC CHAIR.

6 days ago